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You're viewing lyrics and music video for
Ralan Piupusan Toh by
Harmond S.
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Ralan Piupusan Toh - Harmond S music video
Ralan Piupusan Toh - Harmond S lyrics
Osorou ku ditimpu kito nokopiruba
Ngingis nu om sinuau nu
Nakagayat diti ginawoku
Doo mupus diaa
Mantad noh dii timpu dirii
Nokosuni tupus ku diaa
Miagal nogi noh ginawo nuh
Kanu doho yoku nga oupus nogi diaa
Sopi janji janji toh ngoduo sayang
Au kito mitongkiad sogigisom
Maso do miupus kito ngoduo sayang
Ogumu pogumbalan tawayaan
Nokopibatos toh noh ngoduo sayang
Monoguang ralan piupusan toh ngoduo
Kada kito pioling
Namot doh minsodu toh
Sopi sorou kito
Koupusan ku ika noh songulun
Igitai ti janji toh
Gompio toh piupusan diti
Kopiiso noh daa kito insan tadau
Miupus sogigisom
Repeat [1][2][3]
Disclaimer: Lyrics and music video of
Ralan Piupusan Toh - Harmond S provided or displayed on this blog is just to share the info. as well as reference and educational purposes, all the lyrics and music videos that are shared on the site '
' is copyright / property of the authors, composers, artists and music labels & production concerned.
All sources of music is derived from the YouTube video and others source. Support local Sabah songs.
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